What Soil is best to use for hoyas

Hoyas like a well draining medium in which to grow, however you can alter this for your convenience, if you feel like you are a an over waterer you might want to put less potting mix and more orchid bark and perlite, but if you don’t like to water that often you might want to add a little more potting mix to keep the mix a little wetter.

This is what we use at Bloomin’ Fun.

Baileys potting mix - I find its the best and also has fertilizers mixed into it.

Pearlite - keeps the oxygen moving around in the potting mix and lasts a very long time.

Orchid bark - you can use the stuff that is more dense or less dense depending on your preference. As hoyas are Epiphytic by nature it give even more flow through the soil for the roots to easily expand and grow.

Horticulture charcoal - Just another way of keeping excess water away from the roots of the plants and guards against fugas, rot and bad bacteria.

This is just what we use at Bloomin’ Fun, there are lots of different methods that people use out there and all of them have their benefits.


Hoya amoena Java & Bali


Hoya affinis