How bloomin’ fun came about

Bloomin’ Fun was created out of a passion for Hoyas and the need to share a bit of green fun into everyone’s lives.

As a child, my Nanna and Mum grew Hoyas and I used to get into trouble for picking the flowers - I could not resist – as they looked so fake and like tiny perfect cake decorations and even smelt like cake!

When I later discovered so many different species of Hoyas and how great the diversity within the genus was, I fell in love! I needed to have them all.  As my passion for Hoya’s grew, I discovered new species and cultivars were quite hard to acquire in Western Australia due to the State’s quarantine regulations. In 2018 I started to invest time and money into bringing lots of species and cultivars into WA and then started selling to share the love. Over the past 5 years, Bloomin’ Fun has reached the point where it needed to expand to keep up with demand, a website was created to streamline the process and now we can do more of what we love best, propagating Hoyas and caring for them in our greenhouses, and still be able to supply Hoyas to Western Australians.

At Bloomin’ Fun, we are passionate about supplying quality plants to Western Australians so that we can all have a little more Bloomin’ Fun in our lives.